The Adult In The Room

Products & Services for Learning Coaches

We are excited to offer services to help you design, launch, and sustain a successful microschool. We provide support and guidance to help you overcome obstacles and build a thriving learning community. Explore our Microschool Academy programs to discover how we can help you make your microschool vision a reality.

Microschool Blueprint

Explore your microschool dream in a virtual 1:1 conversation with a microschool expert. This experience is designed to give you what need to turn your vision into an actionable business plan.

Microschool Blueprint Mapping

~3 hours at $100/hr

  • We will coach you through the use of the Blueprint in order to design your microschool or education program.

  • Identify the most foundational elements of your microschool and create your framework around what matters most.

  • With your commitment, you will walk away with a complete business plan that can be used for your microschool marketing, finance, and partner relations.

Microschool Academy: Preparing the Adult in the Room

Microschool Academy provides preparation, support, and resources for microschool operators, including ongoing group mentorship and access to our online community.



Microschools 101

Includes online modules to prepare for facilitating a microschool.

  • You will engage in a learner-directed framework which will harness your curiosity and creativity leading to a transformational intellectual rebirth.

  • Asynchronous modules designed by microschool experts

  • You will be in a personalized deep-dive into the attributes, doing much more than clicking through a course just to get to the end.

  • Live, virtual conversations to conclude each module to deepen your understanding and ensure efficacy of the async materials

Coach’s Camp

Together, we will develop the customized tools you need to walk into your microschool on day one confident in your ability to provide a magical learning experience.

  • Two-day in-person retreat

  • Experienced professionals

  • Like-minded microschool innovators

  • Deep connection with this community

Mentoring & Community services included for learning coaches

  • Three 1:1 mentoring sessions, to be scheduled within 60 days

  • Access to Microschool Solutions online communities

Microschool Academy: Mentoring and Community

Microschool Academy provides preparation, support, and resources for microschool operators, including ongoing group mentorship and access to our online community.

Mentoring & Community

Mentoring & Community base package: $50/month

Group Mentorship/Cohort Meetings for learning coaches

Ongoing group meetings, twice a month.

  • Share and talk through issues, frustrations, and areas where help is needed as a group

  • Directed a microschool mentor

Microschool Solutions online communities for learning coaches

Private online communities.

  • Asynchronously share triumphs, struggles, photos, ideas, etc

  • Make connections with learning coaches outside of your cohort

Learning Coach Questionnaire

A series of questions that...

  • Helps the learning coach understand exactly where they are in their microschool journey

Additional services available with a la carte pricing

  • 1:1 Mentorship for learning coaches

  • Book Clubs

Family Resources & Support

Our Family Support package, coming soon, is designed to provide the necessary resources and support for families participating in microschools.

Family Support Microschool Questionnaire

(coming soon)

Family Support Microschool Questionnaire

  • Helps the family understand exactly where they are in their microschool journey

Educational Resources About Microschools

(coming soon)

Curated resources for families of students in microschools

Community for Parents and Families

(coming soon)

Online community for families of students in microschools

(coming soon)

In-person meetups for families

Programs & Workshops for Families

(coming soon)

Workshops for families of students in microschools

Microschool Academy:

Professional Development

Microschool Academy provides preparation, support, and resources for microschool operators, including ongoing group mentorship and access to our online community.

Professional Development

Professional Development base package: $100/month

Workshops and Seminars

  • Professional and personal development events, twice a month

  • Quality, applicable professional and personal development events for learning coaches and teachers already in the classroom

  • Two high quality deep-dive trainings or certifications per month

Curating the Microschool’s Academic Approach

We offer a Learning Model Blueprint, which helps you design a personalized, student-centered approach to learning that meets the needs of your learners. The blueprint provides guidance on creating a learning environment that promotes autonomy, creativity, and critical thinking.

Learning Model Blueprint

(coming soon)

Learning Model Blueprint customization and build consulting

  • Complete coaching on use of the Blueprint method for designing your microschool’s custom learning model, curriculum, and structure-of-a-day

Academic Approach Resources

(coming soon)

Curated resources

  • Learning model

  • Curriculum

  • Structure-of-a-day

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